Professional Development
The crux of our work focuses on teachers who opt-in to professional development and leadership opportunities to develop performance tasks that embed instruction in self-direction (the first essential skill we are tackling). We’ve encountered a few bumps and detours along the way including COVID-19, but this timeline shows our basic journey.

Field-Facing Rubrics
The following K-12 rubrics are based on the Essential Skills and Dispositions Framework and have been translated by the New Hampshire Learning Initiative into field-facing form. This translation takes into account the knowledge and practice already occurring in districts and schools across New Hampshire. The Self-Direction, Collaboration, and Creativity rubrics have been fully aligned with the research framework and are in their version 1.0. The Communication rubric is in the process of being aligned. The rubrics are being tested in the field and have not been fully validated. However, feel free to use them and give us feedback by emailing us at
Communication (in progress)
Our Self-Direction and Collaboration Toolkits are available on our Resources page.