BEST Collaboration Toolkit (v1.0)
Collaboration is an individual’s capacity to contribute to and work with, other people in a process that reflects equity and requires interdependence as they work toward solving a problem, achieving a goal, or completing a project or task.
Collaboration Toolkit – Full Document
BEST Collaboration Rubrics (Grades K-2; Grades 3-5; Grades 6-8; Grades 9-12)

BEST Self-Direction Toolkit (v1.0)
Self-direction is a competency that includes both the intrapersonal skills of self-awareness and reflection and the interpersonal skills of collaborating with others to elicit feedback and support during the learning process.
Self-Direction Toolkit – Full Document
Self-Direction Toolkit – Dimensions
Self-Direction Rubric Overview
Self-Direction Rubrics (Grades K-2; Grades 3-5; Grades 6-8; Grades 9-12)
Tool 1: Student Assessment of Self-Direction Growth (Grades 6-12 – Teacher, Student)
Tool 2: Self-Direction Road Map Grades 6-8 (Teacher, Student)
Tool 2: Self-Direction Road Map Grades 9-12 (Teacher, Student)
Tool 2: Self-Direction Rubric Alignment Table
Sample Tasks
Middle School Self-Direction Task
High School Self-Direction Task
Instructional Supports
Hess Modified Tool #17: Cognitive Lab for Introducing a New Rubric to Students
Example of Grade 9 Students in at Think Aloud about the Self-Direction Rubric (audio recording)
Videos, Webinars, and Presentations
Video Showcase
Episode 1: Rethinking Self-Direction Work-Study Practices [Slide Deck | Transcript]
Episode 2: Exploring Self-Direction Evidence Collection Tools [Slide Deck | Transcript]
Presentation: Practical Tool to Encourage Self-Direction Among Students for In-Person and Remote Learning [Slide Deck | Transcript]
Professional Learning
Quality Performance Assessment
Task Development Framework

Other Rubrics
Applying Creative Thinking and Developing Creative Product Rubrics – (Grades K-2; Grades 3-5; Grades 6-8; Grades 9-12)
Communication Rubrics – (Grades K-2; Grades 3-5; Grades 6-8; Grades 9-12)
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